Lumu Customers’ Top 5 Aha! Moments
Reading Time: 2 minsThe Lumu Portal always manages to delight our customers. We looked at some of the most pleasantly surprising factors.
Get the latest cybersecurity articles and insights straight from the experts.
Reading Time: 2 minsThe Lumu Portal always manages to delight our customers. We looked at some of the most pleasantly surprising factors.
Reading Time: 4 minsArtificial intelligence and Machine Learning are increasingly popular in cybersecurity, but like all tools, the key is how you use them.
Reading Time: < 1 minWe are thrilled to announce a new illumination milestone: 500 enterprises have embraced the power of Continuous Compromise Assessment™.
Reading Time: 2 minsThe economic downturn caused by the coronavirus will place financial pressure on cybersecurity budgets, forcing more intelligent spending.
Reading Time: 2 minsLa crisis causada por el coronavirus presionará los presupuestos de ciberseguridad, forzando un gasto más inteligente.
Reading Time: 3 minsLa pandemia del coronavirus ha forzado a las empresas a entrar en una apresurada transición hacia el trabajo remoto.
Reading Time: 2 minsThe coronavirus pandemic has forced enterprises into a rushed transition to working remotely that exposes them to security breaches.
Reading Time: 2 minsThe coronavirus is an unprecedented challenge, but cybercriminals won’t lose focus. Neither should security practitioners.
Reading Time: < 1 minLeading analyst firm 451 Research’s Business Impact Brief discusses how organizations lack the ability to detect compromises.
Reading Time: 2 minsSecurity testing can learn from the aviation industry model. Data breaches have grown rapidly and testing procedures have stagnated.
Reading Time: 3 minsThis is only the beginning. Today, I am introducing you to Lumu Technologies, which brings a radical shift in the approach to cybersecurity.
Reading Time: 3 minsPentesting started as a concept in 1960 as early computer industry pioneers knew there would be inherent risks to controlling access.
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