451 Business Impact Brief: Illuminating and Transforming Enterprise Security

Leading analyst firm 451 Research's Business Impact Brief discusses how organizations lack the ability to detect compromises.

S&P Global’s leading analyst firm, 451 Research recently released a Business Impact Brief citing how most organizations lack the ability to detect compromise, as an important problem. The Brief outlines that legacy IT infrastructure, like SIEMS, often lack the ability to learn from observed behavior, which could help organizations apply appropriate responses, strengthen defenses and help relieve overstretched personnel.

Read this report from 451 Research and learn:

  • The factors that allow attacks to be successful despite record investments.
  • Why advanced compromise detection capabilities are more within reach than ever.
  • How to enable effective compromise detection capabilities with the right data.
  • How the above can improve the fidelity of threat recognition and response.

Modern Analytics: Illuminating and Transforming Enterprise Security

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