German Patiño: Taking Zero Trust to the Next Level

German Patiño has spent over a decade helping companies implement cutting-edge cybersecurity, including ZT. Here’s why Lumu is the next step.
German Patiño: Taking Zero Trust (ZT) to the Next Level

The past decade has seen tremendous progress in cybersecurity. When I started working in the industry, technologies like Zero Trust (ZT) and AI were distant promises, far from the real-world technologies we enjoy today. It’s a blessing to have had a front seat in that journey, sharing in and shaping cybersecurity success stories—for all stakeholders. Nevertheless, this is one of the most pivotal moments our industry has ever seen. Right now, cybersecurity awareness is at an all-time high. That’s why I’m so excited to be joining Lumu in striving towards a world where cybercrime is brought under control.

One of the technologies that I’m a proud champion of is ZT. It’s a model that works because trust is more than just a human emotion; it’s potentially a fatal flaw for any organization. Trust is the first vulnerability that criminals look to exploit.

Far too many organizations trust that their defenses are impermeable. They trust that their investments in cybersecurity are sufficient. They trust that adversaries have not already gained access to the network, a thought that is often mistaken. Unfortunately, an IBM study concluded that organizations are taking 212 days to find the adversary in their networks. That’s why it’s critical to assume that the adversary has already compromised the network and prove otherwise. 

I’ve seen the benefits of implementing a ZT architecture at hundreds—if not thousands—of partners and clients. But the question remains, how do you measure the results delivered by your ZT strategy?

The aim of a ZT strategy is not to reduce trust for its own sake. Its aim should be to improve the overall security of the system as a whole and strive towards a state of zero compromise. Therefore, to measure the effectiveness of the ZT Architecture, the cybersecurity system needs to be measured as a whole. Lumu identifies individual compromises in real time, but those compromises in aggregate represent the compromise level of the system: an abstraction that can be used to measure the effectiveness of the cybersecurity system as a whole, so you can know if your ZT Architecture is bringing you closer to a state of zero compromise.

After more than a decade in cybersecurity one thing is clearer than ever. It is a field that is constantly in flux: finding new ways to detect, prevent, and respond to cybercrime; improve efficiency; and be more secure. I’m delighted to embark on my journey with Lumu to help companies find their best possible cybersecurity posture and strive towards a state of zero compromise.

If, like me, you are excited by the Zero Trust and its related technologies, I encourage you to open a Lumu Free account to start measuring their effectiveness.

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