Navigating SLED Cybersecurity Challenges

Reading Time: 5 mins Uncover key tactics for navigating SLED cybersecurity challenges, focusing on budget-friendly solutions, advanced threat detection, and automated response.

RSA Conference 2023 Observations: Embracing the Paradigm Shift

Reading Time: 4 mins RSAC 2023 brought the cybersecurity world together in San Francisco. While there is a general consensus that a paradigm shift is needed in cybersecurity, it is clear that we would be stronger still if there were consensus around what that paradigm shift needs to look like.

Conti Ransomware Group: the Alliances Behind the Chaos

Reading Time: 4 mins The Conti Ransomware Group has recently unleashed a series of attacks on nations including Costa Rica, resulting in the declaration of a state of emergency. The key to their success is the network of alliances that they have built with precursor malware operators.

Lumu’s Year in Review 2021

Reading Time: 2 mins In 2021 Lumu grew from strength to strength—in every metric. Here’s our Year in Review with all the unmissable highlights from the year of experience-based growth.

Lumu Defender: Automating Threat Defense

Reading Time: 3 mins Lumu Defender lets you feed Lumu’s confirmed compromise instances into your existing cybersecurity stack for an automated response to cyber threats.